Cards For Cubs FAQ
Are envelopes required?
Yes, envelopes are required for each card (30 cards = 30 fitting envelopes). Please keep 10 envelopes bundled with 10 cards to aid the sorting process.
What are the requirements for the cards I make?
You can find all of the details on the requirements on the Card Guidelines page.
How do I register to participate in the Card Drive?
Every year, around the end of February, we open up registration for the annual card drive. Card donations are accepted during March of every year. Please make sure to send in your Donation Form that includes your details along with your handmade cards.
What is a Donation Form?
Your Donation Form will include the number of both birthday and encouragement cards you are sending in. If you only see zeros, please make sure you are logged into your Cards For Cubs account (this is different from your Bearly Art account) before printing.
If you do not include your donation form, we will not be able to process your cards within our system. Thank you for helping out those sorting through your beautiful cards!
Can I make cards that are not birthday or encouragement?
Currently, we are only accepting Birthday and Encouragement by request of the foster agencies we work with. These themes are the easiest for them to customize to a child's specific situation.
Do you have designs I can print out and use?
Of course! We have four different types of designs you can choose from:
Print & Cut Birthday Phrases
Print & Color Birthday Phrases (B&W)
Print & Cut Encouragement Phrases
Print & Color Encouragement Phrases (B&W)
How do I bundle my cards?
Please bundle cards in stacks of 10 and along with 10 size appropriate envelopes. This makes it easier for us to review each card before they go out. Please see the Card Guidelines for more information.
How can I help if I do not want to make cards?
There are multiple ways you can help beyond creating cards!
If you are local to the DFW area and want to volunteer to come in and help sort cards! Follow this link to see our available volunteer slots!
We accept donations year round in either monthly or one time installments.
Get some CardsForCubs merch! 100% of merch proceeds go to Cards For Cubs.
Can cards only be sent during the yearly card drive?
No! You can create and send in your cards year round; they just will not be included in the official yearly card drive count.
Can I update the number of cards pledged?
Yes of course! Simply log into your account and update your response in your account.
Can cards be sent in from outside the U.S.?
Yes absolutely! We can accept cards from anywhere and they are sent to foster agencies around the United States.
When do cards need to be shipped by?
Cards need to be postmarked by March 31st every year.
What foster agencies are my cards donated to?
We work with many Foster Care Organizations to make sure all cards get to the hands of foster children across the United States.
Will I be notified when my cards arrive?
Right now all the cards are packed up and waiting for sorting day on April 20th 2024. We will get through and check in as many packages as possible that day and on a volunteer basis throughout the year. You will only receive an email if you printed out the form and mailed it in with your package. Thank you so so much for donating!
How does the entire process work?
We have complied a page (including pictures!) explaining how cards that you craft make it to the hands of kids and young adults in foster care. Take a look to know more!
How did Cards For Cubs get started?
If you are interested in reading about how CFC began its journey, check out How the Story Began!